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Acoustic booths

Akustiskā kabīne

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Sound isolation

Our office pod is not only comfortable and soundproof but also provides you with everything needed for your job or creative project from good air quality, natural light and privacy – all while giving priority to people over things! 


Unbeatable quality

Our coworking pods are built with aerospace-grade aluminum and double-layer laminated glass, similar to that used in subway train compartments. These premium materials guarantee long-lasting and reliable workspaces for your needs.


Sustainable design

We prioritize sustainable design in our office pods. Our aluminum frames and wall panels are recyclable and reusable, with a low carbon footprint. We also use materials with 0 formaldehyde to ensure a healthy indoor environment.

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Aluminum frames

We use top-of-the-line aluminum for the frame of our deluxe office pods, making them both durable and long-lasting. You can trust that your pod will remain in great condition for years to come.


Superior Sound Insulation

You'll love the peace and quiet in Hecor's office pods, thanks to our specially designed 6+6mm double-layer laminated glass that provides at least 30db of superior sound insulation.

Sound insulation panel

Customizable interior color


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Power system

Compatible with 12V-USB power supply and various voltage ranges to keep you connected.

Motion sensor

Detect human movement, enabling automatic control of lighting and ventilation to enhance comfort and energy efficiency.


Our office pods feature a 150 Lsx lighting system that meets standard requirements, along with a 4000K natural light color temperature LED central lighting system

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Mūsu 45 mm biezie, videi draudzīgie skaņas izolācijas paneļi nodrošina izcilu trokšņu samazināšanu, lai radītu mierīgu darba vidi.

Mūsu modernizētais dīvāns nodrošina maksimālu komfortu un ir pieejams dažādās interjera krāsās, lai tas atbilstu jūsu uzņēmuma unikālajam stilam.

Pielāgojiet interjera krāsas, lai tās atbilstu jūsu uzņēmuma estētiskajām vēlmēm, un izveidojiet vizuāli pievilcīgu darba telpu.

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Akustiskā kabīne


people have trouble concentrating in an open office.

(University of Sydney study)

You spend


minutes to focus after distraction.

(University of California study)

Are affected at least


from work efficiency in an open office environment.

(BBC Capital research)

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